Sunday, 13 March 2011

Print Identity 2.

Continuing to analyse my wardrobe has been fun and a surprisingly cathartic experience. Reflecting on my favourite garments and documenting my own colour palette, as well as making me realise whats important when I look for a garment: function, durability, longevity, simplicity, colour, quality, craftsmanship. I don't tend to wear prints even though I love creating them and so my aim is to create my own bespoke digital print that fits in my wardrobe. Shopping for clothes is a chore but I love fashion, always evolving and never static, constantly inspired but wanting more control over my product so it's a valued piece in my wardrobe. My aim is to apply my skills to create my own print identity, with the idea that this could become a system of design of others.

Looking at the books that are surrounding me at the moment seem to be influencing my design work too, I was lucky to be given Louise Bourgeois The Fabrics Works and Bauhaus Women as Christmas presents. And currently reading Design Journeys by Kate Fletcher whose book explores the lifecycle sustainability impacts for fashion and textiles, practical alternatives, design concepts and social innovations.

My Print Identity aims to create a bespoke personal printing system putting the consumer at the center of the design and production process. Building up a colour palette from found and printed papers in preparation for collage designs Print Identity 3 and workshop in Haamelina, Finland.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Look forward to seeing it.
